#*silly hat idk where sky came from
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mortimer · 2 years ago
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They put a fish in that shin!!!
Doing my final reserarch paper for school on jewish illuminated manuscripts and fuck they are so cool and beautiful. bad bitches of the book
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lowlights · 3 years ago
ooooo happy sleepover saturday! 🥳 if you are so inclined to write a little drabble —
kisses in the rain? with Frankie perhaps pls? 😍
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HI BBY. This is partially based on a true story. It's a tad melancholy but sweet, and Frankie is who I would want in this scenario. Thanks for sending me such lovely inspo.
A Little Upside-Down
Frankie x gn!reader. About 600 words? You're saying goodbye to your childhood home. You're a little sad, Frankie is there to help. Smooches. Thanks to @ezrasbirdie who said "spiderman kiss, idk how" when I asked her where I should take this drabble.
Your parents were selling the house finally, and even though you’ve been living on your own for eons now, you were sad to see it go. After helping pack up the last of their things, you excused yourself to take a stroll around the garden for the last time. The play equipment in your childhood backyard seems so tiny now. This is where you used to do all of your big thinking, how could it feel so small? 
You’d spent countless hours in the position you are in now - on your back, head hanging off the edge of the platform - thinking about the world. When you were little, you would daydream about what would happen if the sky became the ground, or if the clouds came to life. In high school, you came out here to cry when your first love broke your heart. On the night of your college graduation, you and your oldest friend split a bottle of champagne and cried when you said goodbye to each other. 
Now, you were saying goodbye to the place you used to know as home. Home is a different place now; a different person now. This person ambling across the grass to you, t-shirt wet around the collar with sweat. 
“You’re upside down,” he says as he stands in front of you, eyes level with yours. 
“No, you are,” you insist with a sad smile. It quickly fades as you slip back into thinking mode. 
“Truck is packed, your parents are on the way to the condo. Told them we would follow soon. You about ready?” he asks, running the back of his finger across your cheek. It’s what he always does when he sees a frown on your face. 
“Yes and no. It’s weird to say goodbye to something that hasn’t really been yours for a long time,” you think out loud. Even upside down, Frankie’s face is as expressive as ever. 
“Yeah, you’re right babe. Time’s funny like that,” he laments. 
Fat raindrops start falling sporadically, your father’s prediction that “there’ll be weather” coming to fruition. The smell of fresh rain fills your nose and you feel a sense of calm come over you. Rain is funny like that, washing away the feelings you no longer need.
The drops fall faster, dotting both of your shirts with little puddle stains. Frankie tells you it’s time to go, but you just tug him back towards you and awkwardly rub his nose with yours. It makes both of you smile. 
“Kiss me like that spider movie,” you command as he lifts his hat off to hold over your head to protect your face from the rain. It makes a cute little umbrella, albeit an ineffectual one, for the two of you. 
“Are you Spiderman in this scenario?” Frankie can’t keep a straight face asking you this. He doesn’t care if he’s getting wet, this is the most carefree you’ve looked all day. 
You giggle. “Yeah, I guess so. Kiss me, Frankie. One last good memory here before we go?”
The kiss is awkward, noses nudging chins and lips not fitting together quite right. It’s silly and loving and exactly what you need right now. 
The sky really opens up, and Frankie insists that you get down. You mutter something about all the blood rushing to your head from hanging upside down for so long, and Frankie helps you hop down from the platform. He tucks you under his arm and hurries to the moving truck with you. He helps you in before running over to the driver’s side and jumping in himself. 
You lean across the bench seat with your lips puckered, and Frankie kisses you right-side up this time before pulling away from the house.
Yeah. Things were gonna be okay. This isn't your home anymore. 
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pose-at-play · 5 years ago
beetlejuice 12/7/19 matinee things
• it was so amazing (obviously) and i LOVED getting to see presley as lydia omg!!
• i was near tears out of happiness during the whole being dead thing and i’m p sure i made eye contact with alex???? or he at least noticed the person sitting there already wiping away tears (aka me)
• why did i just now realize adam is jamming on maracas towards the end of ready set not yet
• i love the maitlands
• for the puppet show there was a kid right in the front row so alex did the “any kids in the audience?” line then stopped and went “oh yeah— yeah, you. glasses. front row.”
• after beetlejuice hands barbara the bone for the “you give me a boner” line he quietly went “that’s a femur”
• “dress like a baby” “you have issues”
• after fright of their lives on the “new phone who dis” alex went “new phone.....i got this” then sung the “who dis” and did it SO MUCH HIGHER than when i last saw it and i wheezed
• after barbara’s “LETS HAUNT THIS BITCH” line she covered her mouth and laughed,,,ma’am i love u
• when lydia says “i wish i was dead” rather than kinda yelling it like i saw with sophia, presley! lydia went up to charles and just said it so angrily but at a normal speaking volume (normal for a musical cause projection yknow) (i love both interpretations so much i just wanted to mention the difference)
• it’s actually really wholesome when delia tries to comfort lydia like “look, i know you’re upset but...” and you can’t change my mind
• IN INVISIBLE (REPRISE)/ON THE ROOF AT THE “you’re invisible when youuuuuuu’re me” ALEX WAS LIKE “when you’re *random scatting* me”
• “it’s always ‘get a job!’ ‘why is your hair purple’ *crying* ‘i should’ve left like your father!!’...............anyways!”
• “and kill him” was so ‘discreet’ like trying to just casually drop it into the convo but lydia was obviously like “wHAT?”
• he full on GROWLED during say my name at one point when he was getting frustrated just before the maitlands came onstage. like not just like “ugh”,,,dude sounded like a legit animal
• presley squatted down so far when getting ready to jump at all those points where she threatened to and i love her thank u
• lydia looked so uncomfortable as soon as maxie dean was like “afraid i’d marry her?! haha” (as she should) also charles like casually moved her away from him a little (,,as he should)
• just noticed sky still gives lydia the cookies she bought despite being in a real haunted house and she even waves at her before running out screaming because of beetlejuice
• LYDIA INSTANTLY STARTED LAUGHING AT “clean white shorts turning brown”
• “‘it’s either me or the booze’ *pause...crying again* ‘then i choose...te booze!’”
• what i know now,,,*chefs kiss* leslie kritzer i would die for u. i am lesbian.
• i absolutely sobbed the entire time during home
• when charles was going to get the chalk from where he hid it and was talking about the dead football players lydia laughed at his silly imitations even after he left 🥺🥺
• barbara: *whispers* did i actually hurt you?
adam: *whispering back* maitlands 2.0!!
barbara: *deeper* maitlands 2.0!!! I TOO AM IN LOVE WITH MR BEETLEJUICE
• “with my family by my side” during creepy old guy melted my heart bc lydia was back to back with barbara and like ik it’s always like that but still i need to mention it
• after the last “this guy knows what i’m talking about” alex put up three fingers and looked to the guy and was kinda softly like “three times. we got you three times.”
• “hey lydia now we both got dead moms!!” *looks at audience and tips cowboy hat*
at stagedoor kerry, adam, and david came out!! they’re all so sweet! adam noticed my lydia costume and was like “are you an aspiring performer?” and i said yes and he was like “good!! stick with it!!” and then just gave me some life advice about staying aware of what’s going on in the world along with working towards getting on broadway; and when david saw it he was like “cool! so when are you gonna audition”
so stan the real broadway dads of new jersey
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#3 of the winter prompt for tyrus
((you got it!! 3. “You. Me. Snowman. Now.”))
Word Count: 1,463
At precisely 5:34 AM, all the phones in the Goodman household starting ringing. Cyrus groaned, putting a pillow over his face before realizing what that meant. As quick as his tired body could manage, he leaned over and answered his phone.
“Hello, this is a prerecorded message from Jefferson Middle School. Tomorrow, there will be no school due to the weather. School will reconvene the following day,”
The other phones were turned off after a minute, followed by a string of complaints from his parents (”Why can’t they just send a text the night before,” he heard Norman grumble).
Sighing happily, he grabbed a blanket from the foot of his bed, wrapped it around himself, and padded towards his window. Was it a bad idea for him to be opening his window at 5:37 AM just to see some snowflakes? Probably. Did he do it anyways? Yes.
It was beautiful. Millions of white flecks dotting the sky as they hurried towards the ground. One landed on his finger, and he pressed it into his palm, allowing it to melt. Ever since he was a little kid, his parents had told him that all snowflakes were wishing opportunities. He pressed his palm to his heart and made his wish.
I wish TJ would like me back.
The next time Cyrus woke up, it was almost nine o’clock. Morning sun rays spilled through his blinds, causing him to squint as he got up. His lawn, along with his neighbors’, was covered in a thick blanket of snow. The wheelbarrow that held leftover dirt was nowhere to be seen, probably engulfed by the snow. Beaming, he grabbed his phone and texted TJ.
[Me]: did u see the snow??? its crazy
He scrolled through some older conversations he’d had with the other boy, and they made his heart soar. He counted every heart emoji that TJ used (13 within the past few days), and every keyboard smash (30, again within the past few days).
Cyrus smiled, flopping back on his bed.
“Make sure you come inside when you get cold! I’ll have cocoa ready!”
“I will!”
Cyrus waddled out of the house in a thick parka, a scarf, a pair of bulky gloves, snow pants, a knitted hat, and boots. One wrong move and he’d go tumbling down and wouldn’t get back up.
“Hey, Underdog!” A familiar voice chirped, kicking some snow out of his way, “ready to make a snowma–what are you wearing?”
Cyrus rolled his eyes playfully. “Snow attire, something you are clearly not cultured in,” he pointed out. TJ sported a thin hoodie, with finger-less gloves and a beanie. Sneakers were where his boots should have been, and no snow pants were seen.
“How you wound me,” TJ sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart, “but seriously, you look like a store than ran out of mannequins, so they put every thing on one,”
Cyrus would have crossed his arms, but his jacket was too bulky, so he opted for putting them on his hips. “I came outside to build a snowman, not to be ridiculed for the fashion efforts of my parents,”
TJ put his hands up in mock defense. “Okay, okay, you got me. Now,” he took a breath, a silly grin splitting his face, “do you wanna build a snowman? C’mon let’s go and play,” he sung, flailing his arms dramatically in an attempt to dance.
It took a moment for Cyrus to process the sheer amount of cuteness before him, but when he finally came to his senses, he gave in to TJ’s singing.
“I never see you anymore, come out the door, it’s like you’ve gone away!” he continued, his voice cracking near the end, ducking his head.
“We can’t all be talented singers like me,” TJ commented, earning him a shove from Cyrus.
“What happened to building snowmen, Kippen?” Cyrus joked, narrowing his eyes.
“I’d rather just listen to you try to sing. It’s cute,” he replied smoothly, silently cursing himself for not bringing a scarf to hide his blush.
“…shut up,” Cyrus responded quietly, rocking back and forth on his heels.
“I’m serious,” TJ told him, grabbing a handful of snow from the ground and forming a little ball, “you look so cute when you-” he cut himself off, throwing the snowball at Cyrus and watching it fall apart, allowing it to dust his face.
“Hey, no fair! You can’t distract me like that! You didn’t even start a formal snowball fight!” Cyrus pouted, a few loose snowflakes falling from his eyelashes.
TJ shrugged, smirking at the shorter boy. “Life’s not fair, Underdog. You just gotta get used to it. And it hurts like hell sometimes, but you get the cards you’re dealt,”
“…are we still talking about snowball fights?” Cyrus asked, tugging at one end of his scarf.
TJ merely shrugged again, walking over to one of the benches the Goodmans had. “I mean,” he started, dusting off the seat so he could sit down, patting a seat for Cyrus, “sometimes I feel like the odds are stacked against me,”
Cyrus frowned, slipping off his gloves and shoving them inside his pockets. “Why do you say that?”
TJ scoffed, absentmindedly taking Cyrus’ hand in his. “Well, considering I’m gay, I feel like I’m starting at square negative five,” he mumbled.
Cyrus squeezed his hand. “Hey, we’re talked about this. It doesn’t matter what other people think about you. There are so many people that care about you and–”
“Wait,” he interrupted, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers, “it gets worse because…shit, why is this so hard,” he grumbled, puffing out a breath of air.
“Whatever it is, you can tell me,” Cyrus assured him, meeting TJ’s icy blue eyes with his warm brown ones.
“See that’s the thing, I can’t tell you. I can tell literally anybody but you,” he sighed, releasing Cyrus’ hand and rubbing his temples.
Hurt. That’s how Cyrus felt. “Wh-how come you can’t tell me? But you can tell other people? Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” he replied quickly, “I mean…sort of. Not on purpose,” he supplied, a frustrated breath coming out of his nose and creating a small white cloud.
Cyrus willed himself not to cry; it was too cold and he was worried that his tears would freeze. “..I’m sorry, I guess,” he whimpered, pressing his bare hands onto his eyes and rubbing at the furiously, “for whatever it is I did,” he muttered, standing up.
A few snowflakes landed in his hand, and he clenched it into a fist. I wish TJ would tell me what’s wrong. I wish that whatever I did wrong I could correct.
As if TJ could read his thoughts, he sprung to his feet. “There’s nothing you can to,” he started, bracing himself, “it’s not your fault that I fell for you,”
Silence. The worst sound of them all.
Cyrus glanced up at TJ, trying to meet his gaze, but the boy’s eyes were shut tight. “…like-”
“I like you, dammit,” TJ huffed, opening his eyes and kicking at the snow under his feet, “and you make it so hard for me not to do so. Every time you hold my hand, or tell me that I’m enough, or cheer me on at my basketball games, I just fall harder and harder. And I sucks, because yeah, I know you like guys, but why on earth would you like this guy,” he pointed to himself, sighing dejectedly.
“TJ,” Cyrus began, taking his scarf off and placing it around TJ’s neck so he could still pull on the edges. He tugged him closer, nearly stumbling over his boots that were too big for him.
“I like you too…dammit,” he whispered, a tiny breath of moisture appearing between them. Giving the scarf one last tug, he pressed his lips against TJ’s eliciting a squeak from the taller boy.
Cyrus could audibly hear TJ take in a breath after they pulled back. His cheeks were a deep shade of red, and that was definitely not only because of the weather.
“Wow,” he murmured, taking Cyrus’ hand and intertwining their fingers, “I can get used to that,”
Cyrus smiled warmly, nodding over to his house and beckoning for TJ to follow. “Me too,” he replied.
As they walked, a few snowflakes accumulated in Cyrus’ free hand. He almost made another few wishes, but he took a look to his right. Seeing TJ there, holding his hand, and smiling because he was happy to be with Cyrus, he wiped his hand on his snow pants. He didn’t need any wishes; he had everything he ever wanted right here.
tag list:@shortstackofpeaches || @seanna313 || @geekingbeautytx || @heavenlybyers || @ghostswasp || @wlwandimack || @giocondasstuff || @lemonboytyrus || @adorejrizzle || @swingsetboys || @ifellintotyrushell || @idk-dude-17 || @rbf-lesbian ||​ @marianara-sauce || @kaptainjinxz || @alex-poster-pizz
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myriadimagines · 8 years ago
DC (Wonder Woman) One Shot
Characters: [GENDER NEUTRAL] Reader x Steve Trevor + Diana Prince, Etta Candy, Sameer
Warnings: alcohol consumption
Request: “Can you do a Steve Trevor X Reader one shot where after the war instead of going home they decide to travel the world.” - anonymous
Word Count: 911
A/N: i am so sorry this is probably not what you wanted for some reason i really struggled..... idk maybe it’s because i dont know what the world was like in the 1920s but i hope it’s alright i wrote more about deciding to travel than the actual travelling..... im sorry this was bad
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
No words in the entire world could describe the joy you felt swelling in your chest. You could see Diana, Etta, Sameer, Charlie and Chief in front of you, laughing with their arms tangled around each other. The crowd around you were all cheering loudly, waving their flags and singing. Smiles lit up every face around you, and despite the years of horror the war had brought, the world seemed at peace again.
You felt arms wrap around your waist and a chin rest on your shoulder, and you smiled as you turned your head to see Steve.
“I can’t believe it.” you sighed, leaning back into his arms and looking up at the azure sky. “We’ve won, Steve. The fighting is over.”
Steve turned you around to face him and caressed your face, a small smile on his face as he whispered, “I’m so glad you’re okay, y/n.”
“And I’m glad you are too.” you smiled, tracing his jaw with your finger. Fighting in the war was terrifying, but fighting alongside your boyfriend made the two of you feel safer.
“What are you two hanging around for?” a voice suddenly yelled, and the both of you looked over to see Sameer grinning goofily, the rest of the gang laughing. He pushed through the crowd and threw his arms around the both of you, steering you back towards the group. “We’re going to celebrate! Drinks on me!”
“You probably can’t afford drinks for all of us.” Steve pointed out, and Charlie snickered as he wrapped an arm around Steve’s shoulders. Diana smiled as she linked arms with you, Etta, and Chief following suit so the six of you stumbling out of the crowd in a line.
“Who cares?” Sameer declared, tossing his head back as he yelled, “I’m rich with freedom and peace!”
You all laughed at Sameer’s silly joke, almost losing balance from laughing. As the six of you headed towards a nearby pub, full of delight, everything seemed perfect.
You couldn’t help but laugh at Chief’s unamused expression as he sat in between Sameer and Charlie at the bar. They were singing loudly, bodies swaying back and forth as the abundance of alcohol affected their balance. Diana and Etta were sitting at a booth behind them, giggling over a private conversation they were having. You and Steve were sitting a little further down the bar, cheeks flushed and spirits high.
“You know,” you rested your elbow on the bar and looked up at Steve, who smiled goofily at you. “I don’t think I’m ready to go home.”
“y/n, what are you talking about?” Steve asked, mirroring you as he rested his elbow on the bar and leaned closer to you. Behind you, you could hear Etta and Diana excitedly whispering about how cute the two of you were, and you smiled.
“We should travel.” you proposed. You grabbed your empty glass and suddenly lifted it, exclaiming, “We should go see the world!”
Steve jerked back as you accidentally hit him across the face with your glass, and you gasped as he cringed. Suppressing a giggle, you leaned forward to touch his face, but accidentally lost your balance and fell onto his lap.
“Okay!” Diana quickly declared, getting to her feet. Despite drinking as much as everyone else, the alcohol seemed to have no effect on her. “Let’s get everyone to bed!”
With Chief and Etta’s help, Diana wrapped an arm around you and Steve, carefully shuffling out of the pub. Etta struggled to keep Sameer upright while Charlie sleepily rested on Chief’s shoulder as the two of them walked. Diana had barely stepped foot into the nearest inn before you blacked out.
The rays of sunlight that poured in from the dusty window seemed glaringly bright as you opened your eyes. You squinted, your head swimming as you slowly sat up. You turned to see Steve sleeping besides you, an arm slung around your waist. Yawning, you smiled as you gently brushed the hair out of his eyes, and he slowly began to stir.
“Good morning, y/n” he croaked, his voice rough.
“Good morning, Steve.” you greeted, smiling. He blinked at you a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light, before he sat up. “Good sleep?”
“All I remember is Diana dumping us onto the bed and tiptoeing out of the room.” Steve grumbled, rubbing his face. “What happened last night?”
“We all went out to celebrate.” you tilted your head. “Remember?”
“And you said you wanted to travel the world.” Steve added. You blushed as he added, “Right before you hit me across the face.”
“Sorry about that.” you winced, and he laughed and waved his hand. “I-I was drunk, Steve, we can just go home-”
“No.” Steve interrupted you, smiling. “I love that idea. I’ve always wanted to see the world.”
“Wait,” your eyes widened, excited. “So are we really going to do this? Now?”
“Sure.” Steve shrugged, smiling at your excitement. “Now.”
The two of you immediately sprung out of the bed, gathering you clothes and belongings, clumsily stuffing them into bags. While you zipped up your last bag, Steve scribbled a note for the rest of the crew and stepped outside to pin it on your door, for when they came looking for the two of you.
You finally pulled on your hat as Steve reached out his hand, and you squeezed it. “Where to first?”
“You lead the way, Trevor.”
tags: @doctorwhoandrory / @myfriendmagislit​
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garden-ghoul · 8 years ago
the bloggit, part 2
“sorry I had to do the converse. now taking hobbit blog name suggestions.”
Let me tell you, gentle reader. I had no idea what mutton was when I first read this book. I have never liked meat, but I think I assumed in this chapter that mutton was something really good so I like, imagined a meat that would be tolerable. Does mutton even appear in this?
Bilbo gets up and goes to the kitchen, where “the washing-up was so dismally real that Bilbo was forced to believe the party of the night before had not been part of his bad dreams.” I have a problem where sometimes I stop reading halfway through a sentence if I think it’s funnier that way, so I just read “the washing-up was so real” and was like “yeah same. isn’t it funny how Tolkien already mastered modern slang? just like he predicted texting. amazing, that.” Bilbo is both pleased and disappointed to realize that all the dwerrows have gone, but he decides it’s for the best. No sooner has he started whistling about it than Gandalf turns up to tell him off for not dusting the fucking mantelpiece instead of doing the massive pile of dishes he’s got. If you had DUSTED THE MANTELPIECE like any REASONABLE HOMEOWNER does EVERY MORNING, you would have found the note they left you!!
The note begins: 
Thorin and Company to Burglar Bilbo greeting!
Holy shit. I love this. It’s less pronounced in the rest of the letter, but I’m so jazzed about this weird syntax obviously a word-for-word translation from Khuzdul. The rest of it is a snide assurance that Bilbo will get precisely what he deserves, in the form of an outline of terms and services. Also get your ass over to the Green Dragon in ten minutes. Bilbo does so only because Gandalf is there breathing down his neck; I imagine that otherwise he would have stared at the letter and dithered until it was too late and the dwerrows had left.
We have the honour to remain Yours deeply Thorin & Co.
Yours deeply. More Khuzdul formalities. The good stuff. Please Tolkien, I beg you, tell me what precisely ‘yours deeply’ means! Does it have to do with sincerity? Is deepness correlated to politeness or status? WHAT?
Bilbo makes it to the Green Dragon at precisely the stroke of 11... but he has forgot his pocket handkerchief. His pockerchief. Guys It’s A Metaphor.
"Don't be precise," said Dwalin, "and don't worry! You will have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs, and a good many other things, before you get to the journey's end. As for a hat, I have got a spare hood and cloak in my luggage."
Time to travel like a dwerrow! Anyway that’s very gracious of Dwalin, I feel. Seems like a nice guy. Wait Gandalf turns up after they’ve been riding for like 10 minutes and totally ruins the metaphor by bringing a bunch of spare pockerchiefs and Bilbo’s pipe. Bilbo thinks the adventure is really going all right so far! Staying at inns and whatnot. It stands in stark contrast to the beginning of Frodo’s journey, which aside from being dangerous, mysterious, and nerve-wracking was also given a great deal more narrative weight. I think The Hobbit is told in a much more episodic format than Lord of the Rings, kind of like “here is a series of adventures that happened to Bilbo on the way, one per chapter.”
The adventure grows less pleasant once they’re away from inns and it starts raining. That’s spring, dudes. Everyone is grumpy and tired and it’s wet and they can’t make a fire; Gandalf is missing; one of the ponies gets scared of nothing (or something??) and runs into the river and gets washed away along with a bunch of the food. Out of boredom and desperation the dwerrows decide to sneak up on what they think is a fire; they send Bilbo, since he as a hobbit is much much quieter than them. It’s trolls! They’re eating mutton and drinking alcoholic beverages, and and they have names like William and Bert. Why are they so relentlessly English.
Bilbo, the dumbass, tries to pick one of their pockets because he really wants to be that kind of guy. He is immediately caught. But it’s fine! The trolls start fighting over, uh, well, something, and Bilbo makes his escape. Unfortunately dwerrows are quite visible; Balin comes to try and rescue Bilbo, and the trolls see him. Into sacks with them! Thorin comes last, and tries to be intimidating, which I’m sure would work a lot better if he weren’t one tenth the trolls’ size. He gets caught too, but at least he fought. That’s our Oakenshield!
It says here that Gandalf is back, but he’s just watching. Bilbo isn’t a fighter and he’s terrified--what’s your excuse? Or maybe he’s the one doing troll voice imitations and inflaming their argument about how to eat the dwerrows. Ohhh Gandalf was stalling for time since it was nearly dawn. All right I can accept that that would be much easier on him.
The party goes to find the trolls’ cave and finds a bunch of good stuff inside: extra food and some swords and gold (which is buried with lots of spells. hey! tell me about dwerrow spells!). And we hear that the reason Gandalf came back from his scouting expedition is that he met some Rivendell elves who told him there were trolls about. And so!
One morning they forded a river at a wide shallow place full of the noise of stones and foam.
Hey I love this. The noise of stones, and foam. Also:
Hidden somewhere ahead of us is the fair valley of Rivendell where Elrond lives in the Last Homely House.
The Last Homely House. Tolkien’s mythology sounds really good here. Wonder who named it that, though! Is it sort of... the last dwelling of elves that is both homely and a house? I would expect it’s a name applied by travellers, though: the last sanctuary before wherever you happen to be going, since there’s nothing anywhere near it, really. There’s also a track marked with white stones around the edges, which is really good. More excellent landscape description that didn’t make it into Fellowship because of how desperate our heroes were at this point in their journey. I just realized that since Frodo entered Rivendell unconscious we never got a description of what it looked like, either.
It’s a valley largely full of trees and murmuring water, but a light can be seen, at twilight, on the other side. Bilbo thinks it smells like elves. And then it’s time for one of the most iconic songs Tolkien has ever written: a distant “tra-la-la-lally!” echoes to our heroes’ ears. As we know, dwerrows don’t get along with elves (elves make fun of them a lot, and generally do silly bullshit most of the time) but Thorin is as polite as he can be. Bilbo wants to stay and listen to the elves singing, but supper is more important for everyone else, so onward to Rivendell! They stay for two weeks, and nothing much happens except they gradually get less stressed and replenish their fat reserves. Elrond is mentioned as an ‘elf-friend,’ which is kind of a weird thing to say about him considering that half his family are elves, and he’s immortal?
Elrond tells them that the swords they looted from trollhaus were made in Gondolin! (for the goblin wars, which, idk, that probably describes most of the first age) And the swords have names, because of course they do. This is the source of Glamdring and Orcrist, now we know! Also Elrond looks at the map and identifies some Moons Runes  that say a special thing will show up on the mountain on Durin’s Day, which is an astronomical phenomenon the dwerrows haven’t been keeping careful track of, I guess? I can’t tell whether the fact that Durin’s Day is the start of the year actually has anything to do with the astronomical thing.
“We still call it Durin's Day when the last moon of Autumn and the sun are in the sky together. But this will not help us much, I fear, for it passes our skill in these days to guess when such a time will come again."
This seems pretty straightforward actually. The moon and the sun are in the sky together like, half the time the sun is up. All you need to know is when autumn ends and what the phase of the moon will be. Y’all have really let your calendar-keeping go.
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cosmicats · 8 years ago
Answer all the questions
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? yessss2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? idk sure3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. The girls ran up to her, and Demeter followed; but as she crossed the threshold, she seemed taller to look at, and full of majesty, and Metaneira rose from her couch, and bade her to be seated.4: What’s something you really want right now? a reallyyy ybig hug from my girlfriend 5: Are you afraid of falling in love? slightly. i fell really really hard really quickly but it was mutual so it turned out perfectly.6: How can I win your heart? If you can be silly and make me laugh tbh 7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Unsure, but i do know we’ve slept on the ground /next/ to a couch lmao8: What’s the background on your cell? my gorgeous baby and I9: Name the last four beds you were sat on? mine, my hotel bed, my brother’s hotel bed, my baby’s bed.10: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? I know she does.11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned? I dunno, I never really had a plan to begin with so w/e, things are going great. (am learning to plan for the future tho.)12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? lmao the iowa state police13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? A Rottie 14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional def15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? zoo! i love animals16: Are you tired? always17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact? SInce 8th grade18: If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? I wouldn’t. 19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? helllll fucking no. fuck that. 20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? like two minutes ago21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? Yes. (but i do have the right person)22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? A million times23: When was the last time you were disappointed? today when the pizza at the airport wasn’t v good :(24: Is there a certain quote you live by? You can do anything you set your mind to. No limits.25: What’s on your mind? my babyyyyy as alwayssss26: Do you have any tattoos? not yet but I will very soon27: What is your favorite color? It always changes tbh depending on the day. rn it’s the the sky on my flight today28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? tomorrow29: Who are you texting? my girl 30: Are you superstitious about anything? super about jinxing31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? YA WENT SHOOTING W MY FAMILY LAST YEAR AND IT WAS MY TURN TO GO AND IT WAS MY GREAT GRANDPA’S REVOLVER AND I HAD A BAD FEELING AND SO I PASSED AND THEN IT LIKE, EXPLODED ON MY DAD SO.
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? I have a whole group chat of guys i can talk to33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you? lmao ya my girlfriend34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Jalyn35: What was the reason for your last breakup? lmao. too many to count. essentially though, it was very one sided36: Were you single on Valentines Day? no but it sure felt like it.37: Name one physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you dislike. my hair, the rest of me 38: What do your friends call you? gay39: Has anyone upset you in the last week? probably40: Have you ever cried over a text? yeah41: Where’s your last bruise located? my stomach42: What is it from? lmao my girlfriend (not hitting..)43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? usually anytime im at my house44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with? my babyyy45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? not really idk 46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? i always wear hats tbh. idk, safety thing47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style? no i dont really follow trends? idk48: Do you make supper for your family? sometimes49: What’s the toughest decision you made this year? ughhhhh too many. maybe picking what college to go to50: Top 3 web-pages? maaan i dunno51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping? me52: Does anything on your body hurt? my heart bc it’s been like five days since ive seen my baby..53: Are goodbyes hard for you? i always cry. 54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? coffee55: How is your hair? dead, but colorful56: What do you usually do first in the morning? text my gf57: Do you think two people can last forever? yes yes58: Think back to January 2007, were you single? lmao yeah59: Green or purple grapes? either or60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug? tomorrow61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? yessss62: What did your father teach you? how not to do things63: Where will you be 5 hours from now? asleep64: What were you doing at 8 this morning. packing65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked? yeaaaah66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? yes!67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today? i hugged my brother68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? i wish i was home with jalyn69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? 3 years, yeah70: How many windows are open on your computer? two lmao71: If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first? ... savings bonds.. or a lifetime supply of mac for my baby72: What is your ringtone? parks and rec theme73: How old will you be in 5 months? still 18 lmao. almost 19 tho74: Where is your Mum right now? bed75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? because i learned i deserved more76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? no sadly77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? some78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? yeah lmao79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike? yeah.80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? yesss81: How many people have you liked in the past three months? 182: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? no not three days. ive been 900 miles away ugh83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? yes84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? no one bc i wouldnt do that85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? yeah, i want her safe yaknow.86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? THE SEATS WERE LEATHER RECLINERS AND YOU PRESSED A BUTTONON THE SEAT AND A WAITER CAME AND TOOK YOUR ORDER AND BROUGHT YOU FOOD, MY BROTHER GOT A BURGER DUDE87: Who was your last received call from? the most beautiful girl lemme tell you88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? maaaan tbh when i was little i put caterpillers in fire ant hills and watched them get eaten alive so yeah probably as awful as that is89: What is something you wish you had more of? time with my girl..90: Have you ever trusted someone too much? yes.91: Do you sleep with your window open? when it’s nice92: Do you get along with girls? i guess i dunno93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? nope. cleared that up a bit ago. went shitty tho94: Does sex mean love? sex means different things for everyone, and that’s okay. For me, yes. I would only have sex with someone that i really loved95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? hell no. more like a dream come true96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? nope97: Did you sleep alone this week? some days98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? yesss99: Do you believe in love at first sight? I dunno. Sure. maybe not for me, but if it works for other people, I’m glad theyve found love100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise? probably my baby
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